mercredi 2 octobre 2019

which design pattern to use to get the wanted functionality

I want to make a pure virtual class that other classes inherit from it and each class implements the same function but with different implementation: let say I implement class Server

class Server
   virtual void send(const std::string& string);
   virtual std::string resive();

class TcpServer:public Server
   void send(const std::string& string)
   std::string resive(){...}

class UdpServer : public Server
    UdpServer ();
    ~UdpServer ();
    void send(const std::string& string)
    std::string resive(){...}

    Server* server = new TcpServer()/UdpServer;

How does this Design Pattern call? because I don't understand if it Adapter or Composite or Facade and if you have a different idea of how to implement this behavior.

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