samedi 19 octobre 2019

flutter exchange data between two viewmodels

I've got two Widgets which should communicate with each other. Both have a ViewModel connected.

The Calendar Widget:

    builder: (context, model, child) {

        return calendar(...);
class CalendarViewModel extends ChangeNotifier {


The Data Widget:

    model: MonthDataViewModel(
        visibleMonth: mainModel.displayedMonth,
    builder: (context, monthDataModel, child) => 

class MonthDataViewModel extends ChangeNotifier {
  DateTime _visibleMonth;

    @required DateTime visibleMonth,
  }) {
    _visibleMonth = visibleMonth;

  DateTime get visibleMonth => _visibleMonth;
  set visibleMonth(DateTime month) => {
        _visibleMonth = month,

So now there is a Function inside the calendar widget which fires, when the visible month has changed. I then want to change the text inside the MonthDataWidget based on the month name. The Problem here is, that I don't know how to connect the two viewmodels (or do i exchange data via the widgets itself?) without breaking the pattern

I also use the provider pattern if this could help here

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