mercredi 23 octobre 2019

Should EF entites contains additional fields?

I'm using EntityFramework as my DAL, where I have for example entity:

public class UserEntity
    public int WorkingDays {get;set;}
    public int PayPerDay {get;set;}

I'm getting this entity in my services layer by repository, and that's the place i need to calculate for example his salary:

public ???? GetUserWithPayments(int id)
    var userEntity = _userRepository.GetUser(id);
    var salary = userEntity.WorkingDays * userEntity.PayPerDay;

  //*what should i return??*//

And now I have no idea what should I return from this method? I see 2 options:

1.) Add salary field to UserEntity, and returns UserEntity. This field will be skipped when I save UserEntity to database.

2.) Create UserDto with UserEntity fields and one more Salary

This service is called by UserController where the result will be mapped to GetUserDetailsViewModel

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