mardi 22 octobre 2019

How to load entity from multiple tables with Dapper?

In my app i use Entites as Tables in database representation.

I have an OrderEntity, that have fields like ProductEntity, CustomerEntity, then CustomerEntity has fields like AddressEntity etc.

Now I try to get OrderEntity filled with all the entity-type properties and so on. It looks like I have to load data from 8 tables.

I just have no idea how to do it properly. I have a OrderRepository with Get method, wher I want to return OrderEntity. So should I create SQL with 7 joins, one class with all the columns from the SQL and then after executing SQL create manually OrderEntity etc. in this repository's Get method?

Using repository etc. is easy when I have to get/update 1 table, but when the model is built of more than 1-2 tables, It's becomming really tough for me.

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