jeudi 24 octobre 2019

call an instance method from an interface class

I am looking for a way to call an instance method from an other class and I wondered if/how I could could do the following

goal and context

The class I am writing is a data formater whose __rshift__ method should be able to adapt the format of a data batch to many data base clients without the user needing to change the method used. Here is how I would like the >> method to be called

batch  = SomeExtractor(config).extract("some")
db_client = InfluxDBClient()
# this would be awesome

the DataFormater

class DataFormater(object): 
  def __init__(self, batch: Batch): 
    self.batch = batch

  def __rshift__(self, db): 
    db_client = some_way_to_get_the_called_client(db)
    method = some_way_to_get_the_method(db)

    if method == InfluxDBClient.write_points:
      db_client.write_points({"measurement": self.batch.origin, 
                "time" :, 
                "tags": dict(zip(self.batch.dimensions_names, row["dimensions"])),
                "fields": dict(zip(self.batch.metrics_names, row["values"])}
                for row in self.batch.rows))

Googling my problem, added stack = inspect.stack(db) in the __rshift__ method and got the following but I am not sure how to use it

frame = <frame at 0x7f6c2a1515c0, file '/usr/src/collector/', line 95, code __rshift__>
context = <bound method InfluxDBClient.write_points of <collector.InfluxDBClient object at 0x7f6c2a131510>>

How can I do this?

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