vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Understanding design patterns and struggling to write code for it

I'm trying to understand design patterns and I want to implement the best way into my project. I have been reading about it last two days and I understand that singleton pattern is not good unless you want to use it for database. And I wrote the bellow code which is I believe factory pattern. But I don't understand why do I need to use interface? Is there anything wrong with my code? Could you give me any example? My goal is that I want send mail without writing settings for phpmailer every time I need to send mail. Or for any other library I use.


this is my folder structure..

---Config.php (configuration class)
-public (web root)
---index.php (get routers)


class Mail {
    protected $mail;

    public function __construct(PHPMailer $mail) {
        $this->mail = $mail;
        $this->mail->setFrom(Config::read('mail.fromEmail'), Config::read('mail.fromName'));

    public function sendMail ( $to, $subject, $body, $plainText ) {
        $this->mail->Subject = $subject;
        $this->mail->Body = $body;
        $this->mail->AltBody = $plainText;



$app->get( '/test', function () use ( $app ) {

    $app->log->info("test '/test' route");

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $test = new lib\Mail($mail);

    $test->sendMail('', 'Subject', '<html>Hello username</html>', 'Hello username' );



Config::write('mail.fromEmail', '');
Config::write('mail.fromName', 'Domain LTD');
Config::write('mail.isHtml', true);

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