mardi 27 octobre 2015

Can I create singleton child class?

I have parent class:

class ParentClass {
    static ParentClass &getInstance() {
        static ParentClass instance;
        return instance;

    void methodA() {
        //do some stuff

    void methodB() {
        //do some stuff
        //do some stuff


I want to create child class:

class ChildClass : public ParentClass {

    methodA() {
        //do some stuff

This code have some obvious problems. First of all I can't create ChildClass in this way (parent's constructor is private). And seems ChildClass can't directly inherited from ParentClass. This classes very similar. And I do not want create two similar copy of this classes.

Probably I can create one base class for ParentClass and ChildClass. I'm not sure but does some method exist for creating childs from singleton?

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