mardi 27 octobre 2015

Abstract method to be overridden with concrete type

Maybe this is a dumb question. But, I don't get the point what I am missing.

Given the following class-definition

public abstract class AbstractBaseClass
    public abstract void Create(AnotherAbstractClass param1);

Wheras AnotherAbstractClass is defined

public abstract class AnotherAbstractClass

with a concrete implementation

public class AnotherConcreteImplementation : AnotherAbstractClass

I want to be able to have the override of the Create method to use a concrete type:

public class ConcreteImplementation : AbstractBaseClass
    public override void Create(AnotherConcreteImplementation param1) <-- There is no suitable method for override
        // param1 is an instance of the concrete implementation

    public override void Create(AnotherAbstractClass param1) <-- this is working but I'll have to cast on each implementation
        // param1 is an instance of the abstract class and needs a cast

Is this simply not possible or is there some way I'm not aware of? Maybe using generics?

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