jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Error "cannot be resolved to a type" using the Factory Methond

I'm trying to use the design pattern "Factory Method" on DAO. There are some problems with the type resolving when I call the method to create the correct instance. This is the main where I call the method and I get the error:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args){
    int scelta=1;

    Parametri<InterfacciaTO> p=new Parametri<InterfacciaTO>();
    //here I get the error
    DaoInterface dao=(DaoInterface) new MySqlDAO.getInstance(scelta,p);



These are the classes that I use to implement the FactoryMethod.

public interface DaoFactory {

    public abstract Object getInstance(int code,Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param);


public  class MySqlDAO implements DaoFactory {

public DaoInterface getInstance(int code, Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param) {
    case Indici.UTENTEDAO: return new UtenteDAO();
    return null;

public interface DaoInterface {

public abstract void create(int code,Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param);

public abstract void delete(int code,Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param);

public abstract void update(int code,Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param);

public abstract void search(int code,Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param);


public class UtenteDAO implements DaoInterface {

public void create(int code, Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param) {


public void delete(int code, Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void update(int code, Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void search(int code, Parametri<InterfacciaTO> param) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub



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