vendredi 8 janvier 2021

How to design a proactive monitoring system?

This is a vague question on design. I have microservice which performs order management. The service orchestrates every order from Placed to Delivered. A lot of things happening in between. Let say these are statuses an order can be.

  1. Placed
  2. Authorized
  3. Shipped
  4. Delivered

I have an elastic search dashboard which visualizes if an order stuck in particular status and not moving forward - This is a kind of reactive approach. I want to design a monitoring subsystem which actually monitors every order placed in the system is moving to next status within the SLA configured.

The general idea would be to tag every order placed and have cron worker which checks if the order crossed the configured SLA for every status. But I'm thinking this won't scale well if we have like 100k order placed in one single day the cron is not a better way of designing this kind of systems.

So how do people solve these design problems? Pointers to any existing approach / any idea is welcome.

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