dimanche 31 janvier 2021

Class composition in TypeScript

I want to build a class that can compose multiple objects and use any of their interfaces.

Class A can use any of the interfaces of Class B and C

B can use any of the interfaces of C

C can use any of the interfaces of B

I have the above functionality written in JavaScript and I was wondering what's the best and correct way to achieve the same using TypeScript:

import { findLast, isFunction } from "lodash";

class Composite {
  constructor(behavior) {
    this.behaviors = [];

    if (behavior) {

  add(behavior) {
    return this;

  getMethod(method) {
    const b = findLast(this.behaviors, (behavior) =>
    return b[method].bind(b);

class Behavior1 {
  foo() {
    console.log("B1: foo");

  foo2() {
    console.log("B1: foo2");

  setClient(client) {
    this.client = client;

  getMethod(method) {
    return this.client.getMethod(method);

class Behavior2 {
  foo() {
    console.log("B2: foo");

  bar() {
    console.log("B2: bar");

  setClient(client) {
    this.client = client;

  getMethod(method) {
    return this.client.getMethod(method).bind(this);

const c = new Composite();
c.add(new Behavior1());
c.add(new Behavior2());

// Output:
// B2: foo
// B1: foo2
// B2: bar
// B2: bar

Link to codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/zen-poitras-56f4e?file=/src/index.js

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