mercredi 27 janvier 2021

How to structure a generic database connection handler

How do I create a function generic enough that it doesn't have to use many switch statements within it to check what type of database the user chose?

My current approach is:

  • If a database type is supported, have a generic WriteData() function that handles all the credential details of that specific database type that were passed by the user.

  • Have a struct for each database type: mysql, postgres, connection string, etc...

  • Have a struct to represent each type of credential information used by the specific database

  • Marshal data into the struct depending which database type was chosen

  • Use maps like this:

    var GetNewDB = map[string]interface{}{
        "dbType1":          dbType1{},
        "dbType2":          dbType2{},
        "dbType3":          dbType3{},
        "dbType4":          dbType4{},
        "dbType5":          dbType5{},
     var GetCredentials = map[string]interface{}{
        "dbType1":          Type1Creds{},
        "dbType2":          Type2Creds{},
        "dbType3":          Type3Creds{},
        "dbType4":          Type4Creds{},
        "dbType5":          Type5Creds{},
  • Access generically the details of whatever database is chosen:

    whateverDatabase := GetNewDB[dbTypeUserChose]
    dbCredentials := GetCredentials[dbTypeUserChose]

In the above example, it doesn't necessarily matter that the variables are of type interface{}

Ultimately, this isn't working because each database needs specifics at certain points during the function - e.g. that one type of database needs a username and password, while another may not. It seems to be only solvable by dumping in many type switches or switch statements to give the specifics.

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