dimanche 24 janvier 2021

What's the best way solve this coupling between two types of classes

I have the following classes.

public class Container
    private ResourceA a;
    private ResourceB b;

    private List<User> users;

    public void handleUser(User u)
        if (u is UserA ua)//cast into userA
        }else if (u is UserB ub)

public class User


public class UserA: User
    public void useResourceA(ResourceA a)
        //do something with a

public class UserB: User
    public void useResourceB(ResourceB b)
        //do something with b

ResourceA and B behave very differently. It's not possible to have a base class for the two of them. Yet UserA and UserB share some functionality and I need a list containing resource users for various reasons. I then also need to handle resource grant requests from the base class. So I have to cast them. Which is bad.

I thought about the following approach which solves the casting issue but couples the classes even further:

 public class Container
        public ResourceA a;
        public ResourceB b;

        private List<User> users;

        public void handleUser(User u)

    public abstract class User
        public abstract void useResource(Container c);

    public class UserA: User
        public override void useResource(Container c)

        void useResourceA(ResourceA a)
            //do something with b

    public class UserB: User
        public override void useResource(Container c)
        public void useResourceB(ResourceB b)
            //do something with b

Is this a well know anti pattern? Is there a better way to do this?

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