mercredi 20 janvier 2021

Confused how to link generic base classes together

I am trying to setup a component and registration system using generics but I am finding generics very confusing to setup, i don't understand how to structure the generics setup so it will actually work correctly!

This is my registration controller, it takes in a component that registers to it and puts it to a hash set:

public interface IRegisterControl<T>
    void Register(T register);
    void DeRegister(T register);
public abstract class RegistrationController<T> : IRegisterControl<T> where T : IRegister
    protected readonly HashSet<T> _entities = new HashSet<T>();
    public void Register(T iRegister) => _entities.Add(iRegister);
    public void DeRegister(T iRegister) => _entities.Remove(iRegister);

A derived class such as an animator below derives from the registration controller and does what ever it needs to do with the entities for what ever type:

public class AnimationController : RegistrationController<IAnimate>
    public void StartAllAnimations()
        foreach (var anim in _entities)
    public void StopAllAnimations()
        foreach (var anim in _entities)

This compiles fine, but the problem I have is how I setup my objects that want to be registered. They inherit a base class which is also generic and which handles the registration process:

public abstract class RegistrationComponent<T> : IRegister where T : IRegisterControl<T>
    //this should get the controller T and register itself as IRegister
    public void Init() => FindComponent<T>().Register(this);
    public void OnDestroy()=> FindComponent<T>().DeRegister(this);

This RegistrationComponent class gives an error for the functions when i pass in this:

Cannot convert from Entities.RegistrationComponent<T> to T

And an example script derived from this:

public interface IRegister {}
public interface IAnimate : IRegister
    void LoadAnimation();
    void UnLoadAnimation();
public class ProgressBar : RegistrationComponent<AnimationController>, IAnimate
        // the init function in base should do the following:
        // get component of AnimationController
        // then register itself as IRegister

        public void LoadAnimation() { }
        public void UnLoadAnimation() { }

However I get this error for my class declaration as well:

The type 'Entities.AnimationController' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or
method 'RegistrationComponent<T>'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 
Entities.AnimationController' to 

I'm out of ideas at this point on how to get this to work properly, so am hoping some one can explain how this is done with generics.

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