jeudi 28 janvier 2021

what is the best way to move logic from controller to a service

my question is : How to take my business logic out of controller and transfer it to a service ??? I am currently using two separate controllers for Post model in Laravel. One for user-related logic and one for administrator-related logic. pseudo code for AdminPostController :

class AdminPostController
    public function index(MaybyIndexRequest $request)
        $something = do lines of  calculation
        return return PostResource::collection($something);

    public function storeAdminPost(StorePostRequest $request)
        $something = do lines of  calculation
        return return PostStoreResource::collection($something);

pseudo code for UserPostController :

class UserPostController
    public function maybyUserindex(AnotherIndexRequest $request)
        $something = do lines of  calculation
        return return UserPostResource::collection($something);

    public function storeUserPost(OtherStorePostRequest $request)
        $something = do lines of  calculation
        return return UserPostStoreResource::collection($something);

I want to transfer the business logic of these two controllers to another class and call them with the help of, for example, a Facade like : class AdminPostController { public function index(MaybyIndexRequest $request) { $something = PostService::($request); return return PostResource::collection($something); }

    public function storeUserPost(StorePostRequest $request)
        $something = PostService::Store($request);
        return return PostStoreResource::collection($something);

But I do not know with what design patterns I should do this. Or what I'm looking for is not a good way to get the code out of the controller !!! The way to solve this problem came to my mind : factory pattern : a class that has two methods called user() and admin().

class PostFactory
    public function AdminCommands()
        return new AdminPostCommands(); // a class that contains admin 

    public function UserCommands()
        return new UserPostCommands(); // a class that contains user related logics


That the user method returns an instance of UserPostCommands class (including the user's logic) and the AdminCommands class method (contains the's post logic) .... or :

    class PostFactory
            public function Factory(User $user)
            if ($user->isAdmin){
                 return new AdminPostCommands(); // a class that contains admin 
                 return new UserPostCommands(); // a class that contains user related logics

a class that it takes an instance of the authorized user to decide whether the AdminPostCommands OR UserPostCommands class should be Returned. each of these two classes(AdminPostCommands or UserPostCommands ) has different methods. For example, the user may not be able to delete a post . Of course, user-related methods will only be used in the user controller and vice versa.

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