mercredi 27 janvier 2021

What is a clean way to replace a wall of if-statements that only return false?

I'm writing a simple email verifier. I have a working solution, but it uses a wall of if-statements that all just return false. Is there a cleaner way or a design pattern for this kind of problem? (I only included the code I want to simplify)

if (prefix.length() == 0 || domain.length() == 0 || topLevelDomain.length() < 2) {  // if prefix or domain length == 0, or topLevelDomain < 2
    return false;
} else if (!isBuiltFrom(prefix, alpha + digit + special)) {  // if any char in prefix is not (a-z), (0-9), '_', '.' or '-' return false
    return false;
} else if (!isBuiltFrom(domain, alpha + digit + "-")) {  // if any char in domain is not (a-z), (0-9), or '-' return false
    return false;
} else if (!isBuiltFrom(topLevelDomain, alpha)) {  // if any char in topLevelDomain is not (a-z) return false
    return false;
} else if (special.contains("" + prefix.charAt(0))) {  // if prefix leading special char return false
    return false;
} else if (special.contains("" + email.charAt(prefixIndex - 1))) {  // if prefix trailing special char return false
    return false;
} else if (special.contains("" + domain.charAt(0))) {  // if domain leading special char return false
    return false;
} else if (special.contains("" + email.charAt(domainIndex - 1))) {  // if domain trailing special char return false
    return false;

return true;

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