samedi 9 janvier 2021

Designing a generic validation tool in Java

The task is to design a generic validation tool . It should be

  • able to validate n different type of entities.
  • Each entity has its own set of validation constraints.
  • each Entity can be composed of zero or more other entities
  • The validation operation will validate n or less than n entities every time, each validation will return a Validation result containing details of failure (if any),The final response should be a combined result of all the validations
  • The sequence of validations might differ.
  • The entity classes are already existing and cant be modified.

Is visitor design pattern a good choice here? I will have to create classes corresponding to each entity which will have "has-a" relationship with each entity and this class implements an interface with accept method. Is this too much convoluted logic?

I am using Java 8 , so is function composition a good choice here. Another option is having a Collection of validate functions for each entity and then composing them on the fly , and using it. Is this the right direction? Any other options that you guys can point me to?

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