mercredi 20 juin 2018

Sorting the String Array based on given pattern in Java

My input string array is like below:

String[] arr = {"2T1BURHE1JCO24154C", "2TABURHE1JC024154C", "JTDKARFP5H3055472C", "2T2BURHE1JCO24154C", "JTDKARFP1H3056246C"};

The output array should be as below:


Here the priority is given in the below pattern:


When I use the Arrays.sort(arr) in Java it sorts the array in dictionary pattern and gives the below output:

[2T1BURHE1JCO24154C, 2T2BURHE1JCO24154C, 2TABURHE1JC024154C, JTDKARFP1H3056246C, JTDKARFP5H3055472C]

How could I achieve this in Java.


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