vendredi 22 juin 2018

design pattern for iteration php

What would be the best way to implement a design pattern in OOP where you take an associative array and perform several changes to each iteration.

I was thinking it would be Iterator class and then injecting functionality?

Here is a simplified class showing the problem:

class Contacts {

    private $contacts = [
            "name" => "Peter Parker",
            "email" => "",
            "name" => "Clark Kent",
            "email" => "",
            "name" => "Harry Potter",
            "email" => "",

   function changeEmailDomain( {
        foreach($this->contacts as $key => $contact){
            str replace etc...

    function removeSurname(){
        foreach($this->contacts as $key => $contact){
            explode name field etc...

   function sortByName() {
        foreach etc...

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