lundi 10 décembre 2018

Keep the state in child and update parent

I am writing my own react-table component. The table should receive an array of objects that will work as 'rows'. Each row may have a prop called 'subrows'. In this way, I can handle any levels of depth. When I right click in any row a few modal options appear in the screen (Similiar to a youtube video). These options will vary based on the table use but there are a few ones that are similar in all tables such as 'Add row', 'Delete row', etc.

My first thought was to hold the state in a Container component and pass the rows as a prop to the Table component and handle all CRUD operations in the Container. This means that I will need to implement 'onAddRow', 'onDeleteRow' in every Container that may have a Table.

The solution I came with was to keep the state in both places, Table and Container. Implement the logic to delete a row in the Table component and just let know the Container that a row has been deleted so it may or may not handle it.

import React from 'react'

export default class Container extends React.Component {

    this.state = {
      rows: []

  deleteRowHandler = row => {
      Update container state and may call the API

    return (
        onDeleteRow = {deleteRowHandler}

export default class Table extends React.Component {

    this.state = {
      rows: this.props.rows

  deleteRow = () => {
      Code to delete the row from the Table state 'rows'

      Render the table based on Table state 'rows'

Am I implementing an anti-pattern here? Any better ideas?

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