mardi 18 décembre 2018

Realm design pattern using notifications

I'm scratching my head about the type of design pattern that I should use with Realm notifications.

My project has controllers where I have an observe() function in the viewDidLoad, which looks something like the following

let realm = try! Realm()

var queries: [QueryData] = [QueryData]();

let results = realm.objects(QueryData.self)

notificationToken = results.observe { [weak self] (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in
    switch changes {
    case .initial:
        results.forEach { diff in
            if !diff.isInvalidated {
                let newQuery = QueryData();
       = diff["id"] as? String ?? ""
                newQuery.title = diff["title"] as? String ?? ""

        self?.adapter.performUpdates(animated: true); //IGListKit trigger UI update

    case .update(_, _, _, _):

        results.forEach { diff in
            if !diff.isInvalidated {
                let newQuery = QueryData();
       = diff["id"] as? String ?? ""
                newQuery.title = diff["title"] as? String ?? ""

        self?.adapter.performUpdates(animated: true); //IGListKit trigger UI update

    case .error(let error):
        // An error occurred while opening the Realm file on the background worker thread

When something changes within the collection the code updates the UI. It works pretty sweet but this has the side effect of having my Model as part of the Controller. I use observers pretty much in every controller.

I was thinking of extracting the forEach part into a separate Model file and just return a [QueryData] to be used within the controller. Sadly, that results in two queries for the same thing (one for the observer and one within the model).

What would be a better pattern for such cases?

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