dimanche 30 décembre 2018

The difference between strategy and state design patterm, How a state is aware of its predecessor?

I read about state and strategy design patterns in refactoring.guru web site in pages State and Strategy. The author says

This structure may look similar to the Strategy pattern, but there’s one key difference. In the State pattern, the particular states may be aware of each other and initiate transitions from one state to another, whereas strategies almost never know about each other.

The author also says, the ConcereteState classes, store a variable context which is an object to Context class and by this variable, states may aware of each other.

There are two things I can't understand:

  1. How a state is aware of its predecessor?
  2. Where should I implement the logic of transition between states? For example state1 by input a moves to state2 and by b moves to state4, where exactly this logic must be implemented?

This is a simple implementation of strategy I implemented in php language

class Algorithms{
    public $algorithm;
    function __construct(AlgorithmsInterface $algorithm){
        $this->algorithm = $algorithm;

    public function run(){

interface AlgorithmsInterface{      
    public function run();

class Algorithm1 implements AlgorithmsInterface{
    public function run(){
        print "Algorithm1";

class Algorithm2 implements AlgorithmsInterface{
    public function run(){
        print "Algorithm2";

$payment = new Algorithms(new Algorithm2());

and this is a simple implementation of State design pattern I implemented

    interface State{
        public function execute();

    class Context{

        public $state;

        public function __construct(State $initialState){
            $this->state = $initialState;

        public function changeState(State $state){
            $this->state = $state;

        public function execute(){

    class State1 implements State{
        public function execute(){
            print "This is State1";

    class State2 implements State{
        public function execute(){
            print "This is State2";

    $initialState = new State1();
    $state2 = new State2();
    $context = new Context($initialState);


I can't see much difference between state and strategy while I know exactly what is the intent of these strategies. Besides that, the logic of movement between states and the way a state should be aware of its parent are missed from the code.

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