samedi 22 décembre 2018

Data only class and another class that accesses it's data?

I have a class that only holds data, specifically Collections of data, it is called *BezierSplineData:

class BezierSplineData
    public List<BezierSplineControlPoint> ControlPoints; // ControlPoints that can change the shape of the spline.
    public List<BezierSplinePoint> Points; // Actual points in the 3D world that represent the spline.

BezierSplineControlPoint has only 3 fields:

  • Position
  • FirstTangentPosition
  • SecondTangentPosition

BezierSplinePoint only 1:

  • Position

Another class called BezierSplineCalculator, it is used to calculate 3D points for a set of BezierControlPoint's.

class BezierSplineCalculator
    public BezierSplineData Data;

    private void Recalculate()
        // Code that will recalculate the Data.Points based on the Data.ControlPoints;
        // Essentially generates the actual spline.

Now the BezierSplineCalculator class can have methods such as, AddControlPoint(BezierSplineControlPoint controlPoint), and other methods like RemoveControlPoint, InsertControlPoint and probably more, this would cause a recalculation of the spline.

My question is, it doesn't look right that I have a separate class just for that as I would need to refer to that Data quite often, let's say I need to render that BezierSpline, I would create a BezierSplineRenderer class and access the Data field from the BezierSplineCalculator class.

Is this a code smell, should I keep the data and calculator in one class?

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