mardi 25 décembre 2018

Autofac - Register for Transaction

Lets start with my architech. I will try to simplify my code as much as I can. If I totally mixed up, please warn me.


public interface IUnitOfWork<T> : IDisposable
    IEntityRepository<T> Repository { get; }
    void Commit();


public class UnitOfWork<T> : IUnitOfWork<T>
    private IDbConnection _Connection;
    private IDbTransaction _Transaction;

    public IRepository<T> Repository { get; private set; }

    public UnitOfWork(IDbConnection Connection, IRepository<T> Repository)
        _Connection = Connection;
        this.Repository = Repository;
         _Transaction = _Connection.BeginTransaction();


public abstract class RepositoryBase<T> : IRepository<T>
    protected IDbTransaction Transaction;
    protected IDbConnection Connection { get { return Transaction.Connection; } }

    public RepositoryBase(IDbTransaction transaction)
        Transaction = transaction;


public class TestDAL : RepositoryBase<Test>, ITestDAL
    public DpTestDAL(IDbTransaction transaction) : base(transaction) {}

TestService (BLL)

public class TestService : ITestService
    private IUnitOfWork<Test> uow;
    public TestService(IUnitOfWork<Test> unitOfWork)
        uow = unitOfWork;
    public List<Test> GetAll()
        return uow.Repository.GetAll().ToList();

And my autofac configurations.


I am newbie this kind of architect and try to something my self. Please tell me if there is something wrong or totally wrong.

My problem is, I need to pass the IDbTransaction to data acess classess contructor. When I do not register IDbTransaction interface, exception is "could not resolve parameter", when I try to register with OracleTransaction the exception is "OracleTransaction" do not has a public contructor. Where did I mixed up?

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