lundi 31 décembre 2018

Not sure where to place my Models/Entities in the project

I have been reading tons of threads and still not sure i get it. First of all i want to verify that i get the basics "correct" or atleast it's an ok way to start a smaller project.

  • No Unit test will be written
  • No complext models will exists (Just alot of CRUD operations)
  • No business rules (I think)

I will start with the following structure in my solution:


I using ValidationAttributes on my properties, and i should belong to my ViewModel instead, but don't think i need a ViewModel, or don't really see the need of one (I just have to mapp everything twice?)

namespace Web.Domain.Entities
    public class Car
        public int Id { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "RegNumber missing.")]
        public string RegNumber { get; set; }

        public Car() { }

        public Car(IDataReader reader)
            Id = Helper.GetSafeInt(reader, "Id");
            RegNumber = Helper.GetSafeString(reader, "RegNumber");

Project structure

Web.MVC - Basic folder for my MVC application.

Web.MVC.Views - Handling presentation of my Entities (Not have ViewModels)

Web.MVC.ViewModels - Not used, but i used it is this the correct place to store it?

Web.DAL - Static classes with static methods, CRUD operations.

Web.DAL.CarDAL - Static class, don't want to create a new instance every time, cleaner code.

Web.DAL.CarDAL.Get() - Static method, CRUD operations.

My Controller looks like this,

        public ActionResult Get()
            var data = Web.DAL.CarDAL.Get();
            return View(data);

As i looks like right now i need to reference my Web.Domain.entities from both Web.MVC.Controller and Web.DAL.CarDAL.

If i want to create some business logic, some recommend it to live within the Entities, is this a good place?

namespace Web.Domain.Entities
public class Car
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "RegNumber missing.")]
    public string RegNumber { get; set; }

    public Car() { }

    public Car(IDataReader reader)
        Id = Helper.GetSafeInt(reader, "Id");
        RegNumber = Helper.GetSafeString(reader, "RegNumber");

    public void BusinessRule1(string regNumber)
        throw new Exception("BusinessRule1 failed.");

And if start to use a ViewModel it really just seams like a copy of my Entity.

Feel free to comment anything about the above structure/code, and motivate way i need to do the change you say.

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