lundi 5 avril 2021

2 C++ classes with same functionality but different variable names - which pattern to use?

I have 2 C++ classes which have the same variable types and need to perform exactly the same operations on these variables. However, the variable and function names of these 2 classes are different as they mean different things in their respective classes.

How can I achieve this without code duplication? Does inheritance or templates help here?

Here's a stripped down example.

class A
       float m;
       float n;

       float foo() {return m + n};

class B
       float p;
       float q;

       float bar() {return p + q};

In my case, the operations and variables are more complicated than the above toy example. The only difference between the 2 classes are the variable and function names. The rest is identical. How can I refactor this in C++?

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