samedi 24 avril 2021

How do I use DI with many different implementations of an interface with a generic type?

I am trying to create an aggregator that can loop through several implementations of an interface (IContentReader) with a generic type that is constrained to another interface (IContent). Each implementation of the IContentReader will use a different implementation of the 'IContent` interface. This does not appear to work with DI. I am kind of at a loss as to how to do this.

My requirements will expand over time to include new games each with their own readers and content. How can I make this an DI friendly solution?

Here is the interface with the generic type:

public interface IContentReader<TContent> where TContent: IContent
    IList<TContent> Content { get; }

    void Read(string file);

Content interface:

public interface IContent
    int Id { get; }

This is an example of the aggregator that will loop through the implementations:

public class ContentReaderAggregator : IContentReaderAggregator
    private readonly IEnumerable<IContentReader<IContent>> _readers;

    public ContentReaderAggregator(IEnumerable<IContentReader<IContent>> readers)
        _readers = readers;

    public void Read(string file)
        foreach (var reader in _readers)

An example implementation of a type of content and a reader:

public class Game1Content : IContent
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class Game1ContentReader : IContentReader<Game1Content>
    public IList<Game1Content> Content { get; }
    public void Read(string file)
        //Read implementation code

The compiler error I get when I try to create a collection of the IContentReader implementations is CS1503

I understand this conversion error for the most part, so I'm more asking what I am doing wrong from a philosophical/design pattern point of view.

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