vendredi 23 avril 2021

How to handle multipe if statements and cases that uses the same object in java?

I have a question of how to best order your code when using multiple if statements that uses the same object in their logic.

I am customizing column values in a table where depending on the columnId a different logic will be applied to extract the value for that specific column.

Given that I have three different columns namned "Column 1", "Column 2" and "Column 3" where both "Column 1" and "Column 3" use a customized object called obj in their logic whereas "Column 2" doesn't.

What is the best approach to order the if statements and where should I create my object? I've added three different cases, which one is best and why? Another better solotuion?

Thanks in advance!

// Case 1
public Object getColumnValue(String columndId) {
    if (columndId.equals("Column 1") || columndId.equals("Column 3")) {
        customObject obj = new customObject();
        if (columndId.equals("Column 1")) {
            // do something with the custom object
        } else if (columndId.equals("Column 3") ||) {
            // do something else with the custom object
    } else if (columndId.equals("Column 2")) {
        // do something without the custom object
    } else {
        return null;

// Case 2
public Object getColumnValue(String columndId) {
    customObject obj = new customObject();
    if (columndId.equals("Column 1") {
        // do something with the custom object
    } else if (columndId.equals("Column 2")) {
        // // do something without the custom object
    } else if (columndId.equals("Column 3")) {
        /// do something with the custom object
    } else {
        return null;

// Case 3
public Object getColumnValue(String columndId) {
    if (columndId.equals("Column 1") {
        customObject obj = new customObject();
        // do something with the custom object
    } else if (columndId.equals("Column 2")) {
        // // do something without the custom object
    } else if (columndId.equals("Column 3")) {
        customObject obj = new customObject();
        /// do something with the custom object
    } else {
        return null;

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