vendredi 25 janvier 2019

Undefined reference to class using Prototype Patterns

Hello i want to implement a base type of Prototype Patterns in order to, in my case, clone the 2 clsses

I tried implementing the copy constructor on the 2 child classes, and the clone on the children and in the main class

class Persona {
      virtual Persona* Clone() = 0;

class Studente : public Persona {
    string facolta;
    string corso;

    Studente(const Studente& s) {
        facolta = s.facolta;
        corso = s.corso;
    virtual Persona* Clone(){
        return new Studente(*this);

class Docente : public Persona {
    string corsi;

    Docente(const Docente& d) {
        corsi = d.corsi;
    virtual Persona* Clone(){
        return new Docente(*this);

I tried to remove all the Clone() and it works, i tried to declare in the classes the return new Studente, without the parameter this, but gives the same error. I see online some example and do that similar, for the copy constructor i insert all classes variables/variable.

Thank you

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