mardi 22 janvier 2019

Generalize a pair of method without lossing static typing checks

I am working with a pet project trying to practice (pure?) OO and can not figure out how to factorize a common behavior from a couple of classes. enter image description here enter image description here

public Solution improve(Solution initialSolution)

    Solution nextSolution = initialSolution;
        nextSolution = nextSolutionGenerator.generate(nextSolution);

    return nextSolution;

As you can see, generate is common to both BinaryNextSolutionGenerator and PermutationNextSolutionGenerator. I know that Solution generate(Solution solution) should be in NextSolutionGenerator, however I do not want to lose the type verification at compile time if I send a PermutationSolution instance into a BinaryNextSolutionGenerator instance. Looks like I have to use generic programming or my design is fundamentally wrong (or is a common tradeoff?), but I would prefer some experienced opinion before.

BTW, generate only calls doGenerate because I am planning to add some common logging code in there.

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