I have 2 different types of credential objects in my code.
What I'm trying to do is use a generic function to construct and return the correct object based on Object.TYPE
So essentially I want to change the return type and the construction based on whatever condition.
My code seems to be working but in my implementation I need to use a forced downcast
I also had to create a "dummy protocol
" for my 2 different credentials which also seems "wrong"
This makes me suspicious that Im going about it the wrong way.
How can I do this without downcasting?
public protocol C {
// Generic Creation method
public enum Credentials {
case CredentialsIA(apiKey: String, apiSecret: String)
case CredentialsO(username: String, secret: String, ipsName: String)
func crendential<T:C>( type: T.Type) -> T {
switch self {
case .CredentialsIA(let apiKey, let apiSecret):
return IACredentials(kAPIKey: apiKey, kAPISecret: apiSecret) as! T
case .CredentialsO(let username, let secret, let ipsName):
return OCredential(kUsername: username, kAPIKey: secret, kIPSName: ipsName) as! T
Credential Types
public struct IACredentials: C {
public let kAPIKey: String
public let kAPISecret: String
public init(kAPIKey: String, kAPISecret: String) {
self.kAPIKey = kAPIKey
self.kAPISecret = kAPISecret
public struct OCredential: C {
public let kUsername: String
public let kAPIKey: String
public let kIPSName: String
public init(kUsername: String, kAPIKey: String, kIPSName: String ) {
self.kUsername = kUsername
self.kAPIKey = kAPIKey
self.kIPSName = kIPSName
let credentialsA: Credentials = Credentials.CredentialsIA(apiKey: kAPIKey, apiSecret: kAPISecret)
let credentialsB : Credentials = Credentials.MIPCredentialsOriient(username: "sds", secret: "sdsd", ipsName: "sssd")
Usage after init
let credential:IACredentials = credentialsA.crendential(type: IACredentials.self)
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