lundi 29 octobre 2018

Is injecting a Factory into consumer a bad idea?

I have a factory to build cars... It a basic factory, it accepts name of a car, looks for all classes that implement ICar, chooses the correct type based on car name and initializes the car.

public class CarFactory
    Dictionary<string, Type> cars;

    public ICar CreateInstance(string carName)
        // choose type of class from all classes that implement ICar 
        Type t = GetTypeToCreate(carName); 

        return Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ICar;

    // some more code...

Now, I have a service which uses CarFactory. What is the right way to initialize CarFactory in my service?

Should I inject it? I feel this is the best solution except that Factory Pattern is a form of IoC itself and I am not sure if it is a good idea to inject a factory into the consumer class?

public class SomeService : ISomeService
    private CarFactory _carFactory;

    public SearchService(CarFactory carFactory)
       _carFactory = carFactory;

    // more code...

If injection of a factory is a bad idea, should I use static factory? or just instantiate it in the constructor?

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