mardi 23 octobre 2018

C++ need help regarding the right choice of architectureal/design patterns

I am duing my own research project, and I am quite struggling regarding the right choice of architectural/design patterns. In this project, after the "system" start, I need to do something in backgroud(tasks, processing, display data and so on) and at the same be able to interact with the system using, for example, keyboard and send some commands, like "give me status of this particular object" or "what is the data in this object". So my question is - what software architectural/design patterns can be applied to this particular project? How the interraction between classes/objects should be organized? How should the objects be created? Can, for example, "event-driven architecture" or "Microkernel" be applied here? Some references to useful resources will be very much appreciated! Thank you very much in advance!

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