mercredi 19 septembre 2018

Some derived classes with pre-defined values whilst others not

In my Kotlin application, I deal with some membership types. For example:

interface MembershipType {
    fun getExcessOptions(): List 

The derived types are GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, PLATNIUM

All 4 types have list of excess options. For example:

enum class MembershipType(val name: String) : IValueOptions {
    SILVER("silver") {
        override fun getExcessOptions() = listOf(300,200,100)
    }, //for GOLD, BRONZE, PLATNIUM etc

For GOLD and SILVER types, they can be selected as a Bundle and so they must have list of pre-defined valueOptions which one can pick from.

For BRONZE, PLATNIUM, they can only be Named, so user inputs their own value, they have a choice..

Basically I want to represent the following:

MemeberShip Type || Options           || Value Options
GOLD             || Bundle            || 100, 200, 3000
SILVER           || Bundle and Named  || 4000, 5000
PLATINUM         || Named
BRONZE           || Named

data class Bundle (
        val excess: Int
        val value: Int

data class Named (
        val excess: Int
        val value: Int

How can I represent this in terms of classes and inheritence in Kotlin or even as enums as two of the types are unique in the sense they have pre-defined valueOptions property?

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