vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Make sure that all constructors call same function c++, design pattern

Let us assume that we have a class called Node which has a member called sequence and id. We want to print the sequence of the Node in many differnt ways. Instead of adding the print functions directly into the Node class, we put them into a seperate class called NodePrinter. Each Node, needs to have a "working" NodePrinter in any case.

Which implies that:

  1. Node has a NodePrinter * printer member

  2. Every constructor of Node needs to create a new NodePrinter

My idea now was to create a BaseNode and move the NodePrinter into that one. It has only one constructor, which takes a Node as an input and assigns it to the NodePrinter:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class NodePrinter;
class Node;
class BaseNode
    BaseNode() = delete;
    BaseNode(Node * node);

    NodePrinter * printer;

class Node: public BaseNode
    Node(string sequence): BaseNode(this), sequence(sequence){}
    Node(int id, string sequence): BaseNode(this), sequence(sequence), id(id){}

    int id;
    string sequence;

class NodePrinter
    Node * node;

    NodePrinter() = delete;
    NodePrinter(Node * node): node(node){}
    void print_node()

BaseNode::BaseNode(Node * node)
    node->printer = new NodePrinter(node);

    delete printer;
    printer = nullptr;

int main()
    Node node("abc");
    return 0;

Thereby each node is forced to call BaseNode(this) and the resources get allocated.

Is this reasonable, or is this whole approach already twisted from the start? Is there a better way to do this?

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