mercredi 26 septembre 2018

Custom class working like a using statement with curly braces

Is it possible to create a class, or operator, that would work like using does?


using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
  while (reader.Read())

Often we use the using statement to not have to handle post operations manually, like dispose and such.

I have in mind a couple of usage of this mechanic.
But I cannot figure out how to achieve this.

An example of actual implementation:

  MyClass mc = new MyClass();
  MyClass sub = mc.GoDown();
  //Do things on sub

What I would like it to be:

  MyClass mc = new MyClass();
  mc.GoDown {
    //Do things on sub
  } // GoUp

I know I could use a try {} finally {}. I am just curious if there is a way to do what using is doing.

Edit: I do know about the IDispose implementation. I am just wondering if we can do what using does without using.

Edit #2: Improved the example.

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