samedi 29 septembre 2018

Implementing a Factory Pattern in C#

I am implementing a factory pattern and would like to get it confirmed that it is the right approach. Is there any error in this approach. If so where should i be making the changes.

First I am creating an interface IAuto.

    namespace TestDesignPatterns.Auto
        public interface IAuto

            void start();
            void stop();

Create a class that implements the IAuto.

    namespace TestDesignPatterns.Auto
        public class clsBMW : IAuto
            public void start()
                Console.WriteLine("BMW started");

            public void stop()
                Console.WriteLine("BMW stopped");

Create another concrete class for Audi implementing IAuto.

namespace TestDesignPatterns.Auto
    public class clsAudi : IAuto
        public void start()
            Console.WriteLine("Audi started");

        public void stop()
            Console.WriteLine("Audi stopped");

Create an Interface of factory which creates the model.

public interface IAutoFactory
       IAuto createModel(ModelType m);

concrete factory class.

 public class clsAutoFactory : IAutoFactory
        public IAuto createModel(ModelType m)
            IAuto instance = null;
            switch (Convert.ToInt32(m))
                case 0:
                    instance = new clsBMW();

                case 1:
                   instance =  new clsAudi();


            return instance;

Main Program


            IAutoFactory factory = new clsAutoFactory();
            IAuto model = factory.createModel(ModelType.Audi);

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