dimanche 30 septembre 2018

JPA Clean Architecture

im Refactoring a Microservice according to Clean Architecture:

enter image description here

Frameworks should be at the utmost layer. So i used the Adapter Pattern and Dependency Inversion to put org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository at the utmost layer. But how can i use @Entity (from Java Persistence API) to persist my Entitys if Entites are in the center and Frameworks are at the utmost layer?

Example: Demo-Entity:

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

public class Demo implements Serializable {
    private long id;
    private String foo;


GenericRepostioryInterface (in the Usecase Layer)

public interface CrudRepositoryInterface<S,T> {
    public <U extends S> U save(U u) ;    
    public <U extends S> Iterable<U> saveAll(Iterable<U> itrbl) ;    
    public Optional<S> findById(T id) ;    
    public boolean existsById(T id) ;    
    public Iterable<S> findAll() ;    
    public Iterable<S> findAllById(Iterable<T> itrbl) ;    
    public long count() ;    
    public void deleteById(T id) ;    
    public void delete(S t);    
    public void deleteAll(Iterable<? extends S> itrbl) ;    
    public void deleteAll() ;  

Some usecase:

    private CrudRepositoryInterface<Demo,Long> demoRepository;
    private void deleteAll(){

Adapter (DB Layer)

public interface DemoRepositoryAdapter extends CrudRepository<Demo,Long>,CrudRepositoryInterface<Demo,Long>{    

Config for Injection (i put that in the DB Package/Layer aswell)

public class InjectRepositoryConfig {    
    public CrudRepositoryInterface<Demo,Long> animalOwnerRepository(@Autowired DemoRepositoryAdapter demoRepositoryAdapter){
        return demoRepositoryAdapter;

this Works fine so far but im unsure how to remove / replace / refactor JPA out of the core layer?

Thanks in advance

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