samedi 17 septembre 2016

Writing a mysql model instance module - new to node, am I doing this right?

I'm fairly new to node (about 2 weeks in) and am trying to wrap my head around writing more complex modules. There's a number of patterns I've seen across a number of 3rd party modules for doing these types of things, but I'm more curious in my case if there's a better way I should consider going about this?

It seems there's a more appropriate way to break this up and flatten it out. I thought about using prototypes but the context of this within prototyped functions maps to the main node object.

What can I do?

var mysql = require('../mysql');

module.exports = createModelInstance;

function createModelInstance(model, data) {
    var modelInstance = {};
        modelInstance.model = model;
        modelInstance.getProperties = getProperties;
        modelInstance.setProperties = setProperties;
        modelInstance.insert = insert;
        modelInstance.upsert = upsert;

    var modelInstanceProperties = {};


    function getProperties(matchingFields) {
        matchingFields = matchingFields || [];

        if (matchingFields.length > 0) {
            var properties = {};

            matchingFields.forEach(function(property) {
                if (modelInstanceProperties.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                    properties[property] = modelInstanceProperties[property];

            return properties;
        } else {
            return modelInstanceProperties;

    function setProperties(data) {
        model.schema.forEach(function(field) {
            if (data.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
                modelInstanceProperties[field] = data[field];

    function insert(callback) {
        mysql.writeConnection(function(error, writeConnection) {
            if (error) {

            var fields = [];
            var values = [];

            Object.keys(modelInstanceProperties).forEach(function(field) {
                if (mysql.isIllegalField(field)) { return; }


            fields = "(" + fields.join(",") + ")";
            values = "('" + values.join("','") + "')";

            writeConnection.query(`INSERT INTO ${model.table} ${fields} VALUES${values}`, function(error, result) {

                if (error || !result.insertId) {

                setProperties({ id: result.insertId });

                callback(error, result);

    function upsert(matchingFields, callback) {
        var matching = getProperties(matchingFields);

        model.getRow(matching, function(error, row) {
            if (row) {
                model.update(matching, modelInstanceProperties, callback);
            } else {

    return modelInstance;

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