mardi 20 septembre 2016

understanding Visitor design pattern in c#

I have the below classes for datastructure and logic.

public class clsCustomer : ICustomerElements
        public void accept(IVisitor objVisitor)

            foreach (clsAddress objAddress in objAddresses)
        public string strCustomerName = "";
        public ArrayList objAddresses = new ArrayList();

 public class clsVisitorString : IVisitor
        public string strData;
        public void visit(clsCustomer obj)
            strData = "Customer Name :- " + obj.strCustomerName + "\r\n";
        public void visit(clsAddress obj)
            strData = strData + "Address 1 :- " + obj.strAddress1 + "\r\n";
            strData = strData + "Address 2 :- " + obj.strAddress2 + "\r\n";
        public void visit(clsPhone obj) 
            strData = strData + "Phone :- " + obj.strPhoneNumber + "\r\n";

  1. So as per the visitor design pattern, the logic should be decoupled from the other layers. But here if i change anything in the clscustomer class it will impact the visitor class also.
  2. Is this the right approach ?
  3. will this not break the Open close principle?

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