jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Notify nurse about the frequency of a medicine the patient must take

When you get a prescription from a pharmacy, there is a start date associated with the medication. Medications also have a scheduled frequency that tells you when to take the doses. There are fairly common patterns for the frequencies. You can take them every 4 hours. You can take them once a day. You can take them with meals or just before bed. You can also take them PRN or "as needed." Many medications also have a stop. You may need to take the medication for 7 days. You may need to take a certain number of doses. You may also take the medication for the rest of your life. Assume you have to implement a system to tell nurses when a patient should receive medications. How would you model a schedule for a medication that handles start dates, end dates, and frequencies?

I have done basic design ..but I'm stuck with implementing the schedule functionality (notification functionality that notifies the nurse bout medicine frequency )

The solution i have is

Frequency Class

    package patientmedicine;

public class Frequency {

public PartoftheDay part;
public enum PartoftheDay

public Frequency( PartoftheDay part ) {
    this.part = part;


public PartoftheDay getPart() {
    return part;
public void setPart(PartoftheDay part) {
    this.part = part;


Medicine Class

    package patientmedicine;

import java.util.List;

public class Medicine {

private String name;
private String disease;
private String composition;
private String details;
private List<Frequency> frequencyList;

public List<Frequency> getFrequencyList() {
    return frequencyList;

public void setFrequencyList(List<Frequency> frequencyList) {
    this.frequencyList = frequencyList;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public Medicine(String name, String composition, String details) { = name;


public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getDisease() {
    return disease;
public void setDisease(String disease) {
    this.disease = disease;

 * @return the composition
public String getComposition() {
    return composition;

 * @param composition the composition to set
public void setComposition(String composition) {
    this.composition = composition;

 * @return the details
public String getDetails() {
    return details;

 * @param details the details to set
public void setDetails(String details) {
    this.details = details;


Patient class

    package patientmedicine;

import java.util.List;

public class Patient {

private String name;
private String disease;
private List<Medicine> medicineList;

public Patient(String name, String disease) {


public List<Medicine> getMedicineList() {
    return medicineList;

public void setMedicineList(List<Medicine> medicineList) {
    this.medicineList = medicineList;

 * @return the name
public String getName() {
    return name;

 * @param name the name to set
public void setName(String name) { = name;

 * @return the disease
public String getDisease() {
    return disease;

 * @param disease the disease to set
public void setDisease(String disease) {
    this.disease = disease;


Program Class

    package patientmedicine;

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

import patientmedicine.Frequency.PartoftheDay;

public class Program { // private List patientList;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    List<Frequency> freque1 = new ArrayList<Frequency>();
    freque1.add(new Frequency(PartoftheDay.Morning));
    freque1.add(new Frequency(PartoftheDay.Evening));

    // List<Medicine> medicine = new ArrayList<Medicine>();
    Medicine med1 = new Medicine("Paracetemol", "38g", "For fever");

    List<Frequency> freque2 = new ArrayList<Frequency>();
    freque2.add(new Frequency(PartoftheDay.Morning));
    freque2.add(new Frequency(PartoftheDay.Evening));

    Medicine med2 = new Medicine("Ibuprofen", "38g", "For body pains");

    List<Medicine> medicineList = new ArrayList<Medicine>();

    Patient patient1 = new Patient("Deepthi", "For body pains");

    List<Patient> patientList = new ArrayList<Patient>();

    for (Patient patientt : patientList) {

        for (Medicine medi : patientt.getMedicineList()) {

            System.out.println(medi.getDetails() + medi.getComposition()
                    + medi.getName());

            for (Frequency freq : medi.getFrequencyList()) {





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