vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Is there a Design Pattern for Data Object structures that frequently change?

Is there a Design Pattern for Data Object structures that frequently change?

I am refactoring a Genetic Algorithm where the structure of the Chromosomes (number of genes, type of genes and boundary of genes) change from problem to problem. For example:

One problem may use

class Chromosome{
    double gene1;  // 0.0 < gene1 < 100.0
    double gene2;  // -7.3 < gene2 < 9.0

Another problem may use

class Chromosome{
    int gene1;      // 200 < gene1 < 1000
    double gene2;  // 50.0 < gene2
    double gene3;  // gene3 < -5.0

Currently the chromosome structure is hard coded and is difficult to modify for a new problem. I am considering modifying the Strategy Pattern for chromosome changes, unless someone has a better idea.

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