I am building a dashboard using mithril components. The dashboard consist of generic widget components which nest more specific components such as twitter widgets, sales widgets etc. The generic widget is agnostic of the nested component.
Now I have a requirement to compliment the generic widget from the nested component. Eg, the generic widget has a toolbar with common operations with delete & refresh, I want to add inner component specific operations such as change date range in case of sale widget, change account in case of twitter widget.
Straight forward approach to this is decompose the inner component is to 2 subcompoents a toolbar and the content, eg sales_toolbar_component & sales_content_component. Both these subcomponnets needs the same data loaded via ajax, hence it will lead to duplication. An approach is to follow Hybrid architecture (http://ift.tt/2cSJ3YC) where a top level component will do the ajax calls and pass data at constructor of each sub component. However in this case the parent component is generic is unaware of child data requirements
Another approach is for one sub-component to do the ajax call and notify the sibling via observer pattern, this seems quite a bit of internal coupling/dependency
Another consideration was to create a component that can have multiple views & for the parent to render each view as required using the same controller instance.Something like:
//create a component whose controller and view functions receive some arguments
var component = m.component(MyComponent, {name: "world"}, "this is a test")
var ctrl = new component.controller() // logs "world", "this is a test"
None of these seems complete, is there a reference pattern I can consider?
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