vendredi 9 septembre 2016

Is the following a good way to use the revealing module pattern in JavaScript?

It's a simple words counter app ..

$(document).ready(function() {

  var wordsCounter = (function() {

    function init() {

    // cache dom
    var $textArea = $('#textArea');
    var $words = $('#words'); //a span
    var $chars = $('#chars'); //a span

    function bindEvents() {
      $textArea.on('keyup', updateTextArea);

    // $textArea click callback function
    function updateTextArea() {
      var text =  $textArea.val();
      var numOfChars = text.length;
      var numOfWords = countWords(text);

    // counts words for a given string
    function countWords(str){
      var cnt = 0;
      var flag = true;
      for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
        if(str[i] !== " " && flag){
          flag = false;
        }else if(str[i] === " "){
          flag = true;
      return cnt;

    return {
      init: init




What are other good ways I can structure this code?

Also if i'm working on a larger project, should it all be in a one IIFE like this or should I divide into more than one IIFE everyone doing related things?

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