mercredi 31 août 2016

How to automatically bind implementations in PHP?

So I am a laravel developer and even though I have worked with it for a while now, and I love how the magic happens beneath the surface, how it automatically binds implementations when instantiating classes via the IoC container, right now I am trying to go to the basics of design patters and learn how things actually work.

So I started with the Animal example:

abstract class Animal
    abstract function makeSound();

class Dog extends Animal
    public function makeSound()
        echo "Bark!\n";

class Cat extends Animal
    public function makeSound()
        echo "Bark!\n";

So I am reading Head First Design Patterns and I am trying to make the most of the book. At this point every time I create a new Animal, I will have to implement the make sound method which will differ in most cases.

So the book tells me that I should code a Soundable interface and then have implementations of that interface in the Animal extended classes.

I finally came up with something like this:

interface Soundable
    function sound();

class Bark implements Soundable
    public function sound()
        return "Bark!\n";

class Meow implements Soundable
    public function sound()
        return "Meow!\n";

class Animal
    public $soundable;

    public function __construct(Soundable $soundable)
        $this->soundable = $soundable;

    public function makeSound()
        echo $this->soundable->sound();

class Dog extends Animal


class Cat extends Animal


function makeAnimal(Animal $animal){
    return $animal; 

// Making a dog
$animal = makeAnimal(new Dog(new Bark()));

// Making a cat
$animal = makeAnimal(new Cat(new Meow()));

So now when I have another animal that barks or meows, I can simple instantiate that implementation while making an animal.

Now my question is how do I tell PHP to automatically pass the new Bark() while instantiating the Dog class since it will bark and I don't want to write it every time I instantiate a new Dog object.

So how do I use a similar magic that Laravel uses to pass the Bark object automatically while instantiating Dog.

PS: I am still learning so I might be going in the wrong direction altogether while understanding these principles. Please guide me if you know better.

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