vendredi 26 août 2016

How can be controled / coordinated algorithm

Below picture is a simple part of complex algorithm.enter image description here I try to prepare some classes in accordance with algorithm.

abstract class Person
    public string HasXRecords { get; set; }
    public int PersonAnotherFeature { get; set; }
    public List<X> Xs { get; set; } = new List<X>();
abstract class X
    //There will more than 1000 type subX classes

interface IAdder
    void AddXToList();

interface IRemover
    void RemoveXFromList();

class XAdderFactory
    private Person _person;
    public bool PersonHasNoRecords
            return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_person.HasXRecords);
    public XAdderFactory(Person person)
        this._person = person;
        if (PersonHasNoRecords)
            new XListMakerAFactory(person);
            new XListMakerB(person);

class XListMakerB: IAdder
    private Person _person;
    public XListMakerB(Person person)
        this._person = person;
        new PersonXListEvaluator(person);
    public void AddXToList()
        //Dynamic instance of X will be added in to person Xlist.

class XListMakerAFactory
    public XListMakerAFactory(Person person)
        switch (person.PersonAnotherFeature)
            case 1:new XListMakerA1(person);
                //there will be XListMakerA2,XListMakerA3 etc.
        new XRemoverFactory(person);
class XListMakerA1: IAdder
    private Person _person;
    public XListMakerA1(Person person)
        this._person = person;
        new PersonXListEvaluator(person);
    public void AddXToList()
        //_person.Xs.Add(new X1());
        // According to business logic,X2,X3 etc. will be added manually.

class XRemoverFactory
    public XRemoverFactory(Person person)
        new XRemoverFromList1(person);
        new XRemoverFromList2(person);

class XRemoverFromList1 : IRemover
    private Person _person;
    public XRemoverFromList1(Person person)
        this._person = person;
    public void RemoveXFromList()
        //According some business logic some Xs will be removed.

class XRemoverFromList2 : IRemover
    private Person _person;
    public XRemoverFromList2(Person person)
        this._person = person;
    public void RemoveXFromList()
        //According some business logic some Xs will be removed.
 class PersonXListEvaluator
    public PersonXListEvaluator(Person person)
        //According to business rules evaluation will be cordinated.

My question; 1) Do you think clasess compliy with SOLID principels? 2) How can be designed flow better?

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