mercredi 24 août 2016

Abstract Factory Pattern Default Class Issue

Hi, I've a class which has a method with some condition checks and append a string according to condition. I tried to refactor this code with abstract factory pattern.

My problem is related to default expression class. If none of other rules applies to related filter, then I want to apply default expression rule. However on my application; it depends the order of StandartExpression instance order in the _expressions list. If it is added first then the other rules will not be checked.

I think I missed something about that pattern. Could you help me?

This is my application code:

public class Filter
    private string _operator = "="; // =, !=, <,> ...

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public object Value { get; set; }
    public string Operator { get { return _operator; } set { _operator = value; } }


Filter filter = null;
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();

for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
    filter = array[i];

    if (filter.Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("null"))
        whereClause.Append(filter.Name + " " + filter.Operator + " null ");
    else if (filter.Operator.ToLower().Equals("like"))
        whereClause.Append(filter.Name + ".Contains(@" + i + ")");
        whereClause.Append(filter.Name + " " + filter.Operator + " @" + i);
    whereClause.Append(" AND ");

Now, this is the abstract factory pattern code:

public interface ICustomExpression
    bool ExpressionIsValid(Filter filter);
    string GetExpressionStr(Filter filter, int index);

public class StandardExpression : ICustomExpression
    public bool ExpressionIsValid(Filter filter)
        return true;

    public string GetExpressionStr(Filter filter, int index)
        return filter.Name + " " + filter.Operator + " @" + index;

public class LikeExpression : ICustomExpression
    public bool ExpressionIsValid(Filter filter)
        return filter.Operator.ToLower().Equals("like");

    public string GetExpressionStr(Filter filter, int index)
        return filter.Name + ".Contains(@" + index + ")";
public class NullExpression : ICustomExpression
    public bool ExpressionIsValid(Filter filter)
        return filter.Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("null");

    public string GetExpressionStr(Filter filter, int index)
        return filter.Name + " " + filter.Operator + " null ";

public static class ExpressionFactory
    private static List<ICustomExpression> _expressions = null;
    public static List<ICustomExpression> Expressions
            if (_expressions == null)
            return _expressions;

    private static void Build()
        _expressions = new List<ICustomExpression>();
        _expressions.Add(new NullExpression());
        _expressions.Add(new LikeExpression());
        _expressions.Add(new StandardExpression());

And that is how I used that structure on my application code:

StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
Filter filter = null;
var array = filterList.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
    filter = array[i];

    foreach (ICustomExpression exp in ExpressionFactory.Expressions)
        if (exp.ExpressionIsValid(filter))
            whereClause.Append(exp.GetExpressionStr(filter, i));

    whereClause.Append(" AND ");

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