mardi 30 août 2016

Design pattern to map derived types to list of new type

I have a list of derived types I want to map to a list of another type. Each derived type maps differently to the new type.

Is there any pattern to do this without casting each types and that keeps the logic of the mapping outside of the type (in a factory).

Here's an example, I'd like to find an alternative to GetFlatSwitch, something like GetFlat :

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      List<Base> list = new List<Base>() { new DerivedA() { A = "A" }, new DerivedB() { B = "B" }};

      List<Flat> flatList = list.Select(x => Factory.GetFlat(x)).ToList(); // not working
      List<Flat> switchFlatList = list.Select(x => Factory.GetFlatSwitch(x)).ToList(); // works, but casting each element

    static class Factory
      public static Flat GetFlat(Base baseObj)
        return new Flat();

      public static Flat GetFlat(DerivedA a)
        return new Flat() { A = a.A };

      public static Flat GetFlat(DerivedB b)
        return new Flat() { B = b.B };

      public static Flat GetFlatSwitch(Base baseObj)
        switch (baseObj.MyType)
          case MyTypeEnum.A:
            DerivedA a = baseObj as DerivedA;
            return new Flat() { A = a.A };
          case MyTypeEnum.B:
            DerivedB b = baseObj as DerivedB;
            return new Flat() { B = b.B };
            return new Flat();

    enum MyTypeEnum
      A, B

    abstract class Base
      public abstract MyTypeEnum MyType { get; }

    class DerivedA : Base
      public override MyTypeEnum MyType
          return MyTypeEnum.A;
      public string A { get; set; }

    class DerivedB : Base
      public override MyTypeEnum MyType
          return MyTypeEnum.B;
      public string B { get; set; }

    class Flat
      public string A { get; set; }

      public string B { get; set; }

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