mercredi 1 avril 2015

Redesigning a search engine, what design patterns to apply

I'm really stuck here. I'm trying to do add a new database in addition to a current one. I'm going to use a factory pattern to select the right database control like this:

private AssetStoresFactory assetStoresFactory;

AssetStore assetStore = assetStoreFactory.getAssetStore(query);;

public AssetStore getAssetStore(String query){
AssetStore assetStore;
if (qualifiesForStoreA(query))
assetStore = new AssetStoreA();
assetStore = new AssetStoreB();
return assetStore;

AssetStore A
Results search(AssetSearch search) {
AssetSearchOperation o = new AssetSearchOperationA(search);

AssetStore B
Results search(AssetSearch search) {
AssetSearchOperation o = new AssetSearchOperationB(search);

Now the real problem lies here. The current approach to perform searches is like this:

| BaseSearchOperation |
| ___________________ |
| abstract search() |

| StreamingSupport |


Now there is code to query the current database in all of the above classes and this needs to be removed and isolated. I can't get my head around how this can be done. Note that anonymous implementations of AssetSearchOperation override StreamingSupport. Any help is appreciated! If you need more information, please do ask!

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