mardi 28 avril 2015

Derived class dependant function

I have base class DataProcessor. It is base class for calculators of position in some coordinate system. So, for example, it can have descendants like: SphericDataProcessor, CartesianDataProcessor. There is base class CookedDataCatalogue, which is base class for containers of some objects' positions. So every DataProcessor should be able put it's data to every CookedDataCatalogue. I can imagine something like this:

class CookedDataCatalogue
    virtual void Transform(DataProcessor* dp) = 0;

    virtual void PutData(???) = 0;

class CookedDataCatalogue1 : public CookedDataCatalogue
    void Transform(DataProcessor* dp) override

class CookedDataCatalogue2 : public CookedDataCatalogue

class CookedDataCatalogue3 ...

class DataProcessor
    virtual void Process() = 0;

    virtual void TransformTo(CookedDataCatalogue1* c) = 0;
    virtual void TransformTo(CookedDataCatalogue2* c) = 0;
    virtual void TransformTo(CookedDataCatalogue3* c) = 0;

But I don't like it. First of all void Transform(DataProcessor*) migrates from base class to all children. Second, if I build it as library, other user can not add his own CookedDataUserCatalogue, because he can't add another void TransformTo(CookedDataUserCatalogue). Third, I don't know how to write function PutData(), because every Catalogue uses his own data to contain. Should it be templated?

What is a solution? Is there any programming pattern, that I missed?

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